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XEOMIN® in El Paso, TX
Although you may have smiled, frowned, laughed, and made other expressions without any lasting effects when you were younger, you may now notice that the facial lines and wrinkles created by these expressions no longer disappear after your face relaxes. These lines are known as dynamic wrinkles, and they're caused by the overuse of the facial muscles that make them stay contracted, crafting etched lines in the overlying skin. XEOMIN is an injectable wrinkle relaxer that, much like BOTOX®, periodically relaxes the treated facial muscle with a strain of purified botulinum so these dynamic wrinkles look softer and smoother. At El Paso Men's & Women's Clinic in El Paso, TX, we provide a number of cosmetic and medical dermatology procedures similar to XEOMIN nonsurgical wrinkle relaxer treatments. Arrange for a consultation with us to learn more about XEOMIN.
XEOMIN treatments at El Paso Men's & Women's Clinic usually take under 30 minutes from beginning to end and can be completed in our procedure room at the conclusion of your consultation. The areas of the face receiving treatment will be sterilized before XEOMIN is carefully injected with a specialized needle. The treatment is quick, and most patients experience mild or no discomfort, so local anesthesia is not required but can be requested during your consultation. Pressure and cold compresses will be applied to the injection area to reduce minor bleeding prior to you leaving.

After receiving XEOMIN injections, you can return to your daily activities, but heavy activities should be skipped until the following day. You may want to sleep in a slightly elevated position and use cold compresses periodically to expedite healing and results. For a few days after receiving XEOMIN injections, you may also experience some swelling, bruising, and redness of the treatment sites, but these symptoms are common and can be easily concealed with makeup. Many patients will see significant improvements 3 – 4 days after their XEOMIN treatment lasting approximately three months. Touch-ups at El Paso Men's & Women's Clinic can be scheduled to optimize your results.
XEOMIN yields lots of benefits to women and men who are looking to smooth fine lines and wrinkles from obvious spots. If your wrinkles and fine lines are disrupting your life and goal look, XEOMIN can:
Tackle fine lines and wrinkles due to local triggers, including smoking or smile lines
Diminish visible signs of aging
Allow an affordable, trusted option for a large number of ideal candidates
Diminish fine lines and spots with folded skin

Superb experience. I instantly liked Dr. Altenberg and his staff. Very professional and super-nice. Dr. Altenberg is knowledgeable and clearly an expert in his field. Makes you feel like you’re in good hands. He’s calm and confident and doesn’t convey panic. He’s great. I’m going to switch to him as my primary care doctor.
Dr. Altenberg is my new primary care doctor. I switched because with my old primary care doctor, I saw PA’s for 2 years. My wait in the waiting room and the examine room was short. He took his time to understand my issues and asked probing questions to better determine what next steps should be. He did not immediately prescribe unnecessary pills. Rather he is doing extensive blood work and muscosketal X-rays. He also wants to know specifically what existing conditions I have and what my parents died of which will also help him. His office staff have been very helpful on the phone and in the office. I highly recommend Dr. Altenberg and his great staff.
XEOMIN can help to diminish the look of dynamic wrinkles on the face, such as frown lines between the eyebrows, horizontal lines on the forehead, Crow's feet in the outer corners of the eyes, and smile and laugh lines. The best candidates for XEOMIN are in good overall health,
not pregnant, and have not had an allergic reaction to other botulinum products, like BOTOX. Talk to Dr. Altenberg at your consultation about your medical history, current medications, and your cosmetic goals so he can customize a XEOMIN treatment plan that is specific to you.
Age comes with a few wonderful gifts, such as wisdom and grace, but it sometimes brings along some unwanted changes like facial lines and wrinkles. Relax and smooth out dynamic wrinkles on your face with XEOMIN injectable wrinkle relaxer treatments at El Paso Men's & Women's Clinic. Set up a consultation at our El Paso, TX location to design your unique XEOMIN treatment plan.